Association Part of World

Association part of world

NoN profit organization, president Nicole Jutka

EN |
The part of world association, helps and promotes contemporary Romanian art in the world through cooperation supres and international projects with the central objective of developing the artistic and creative skills of orphaned children and other disadvantaged people hoping that this will help to encourage self-retrieval and discovery of hidden talents.

D |
Asociation Part of World hilft und fördert zeitgenössische rumänische Kunst in der Welt durch internationale Zusammenarbeit und Projekte mit dem zentralen Ziel der Entwicklung der künstlerischen und kreativen Fähigkeiten von Waisenkindern und anderen benachteiligten Zielgruppe in der Hoffnung, dass dies dazu beitragen wird, selbst zu finden und die Entdeckung von versteckten Talenten zu fördern.

RO |
Asociația part of world, ajuta si promoveaza arta contemporană românească în lume prin cooperări și proiecte internaționale având ca obiectiv central dezvoltarea abilităților artistice și creative ale copiilor orfani și altor categorii de persoane defavorizate sperând că această lucru să contribuie la încurajarea regăsirii de sine și a descoperirii talentelor ascunse.

Projects example:

Do you want to cooperate on a project with Nicole Jutka?


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Project ” part of world” and “love no war” by Nicole Jutka 2010 – 2020

Artistic Social Educational Project for people from disadvantaged areas



– 2nd place in the “Group Prize” category and your art school “Atelier Jutka” Artschool for all
– for student Abdulrahman Barghoti 3rd place in the category “Youngsters up to 18 years”!

Project motto:

“I’m part of this world” – regardless of skin color, nationality, religion
“I am part of this world” – where I am now. I with my social commitment to society and for the beneficial maintenance of our planet.

The aim of the project is to contribute with artistic means to a better social integration, by (re) shaping and awareness of the identity of the target group, for the development of societyas a whole, for the benefit of all.
The objectives of the project are to become aware of one’s own social needs, to shape one
social identities of the members of the target group and the facilitation of social integration, by means artistic and interculturality, in this sense being built a series of activities for a group of over 40 disadvantaged or disabled children, adolescents and adults.


The project will be achieved through the activities proposed by a group of visual artists and guest teachers musicians. The project has a preparatory character for life, future, the so-called path of life. The creativity of adolescents will be stimulated, through a sustained artistic process and results (participants’ own papers in which their answers to the questions will be found).

1. Who am I? How can I achieve my goals? What do I want to become?
2. Where do I live? Where would I like to live?
3. How can my peers help, regardless of skin color, race,
age, religion, nationality? How can I contribute to conservation
environment, what can I do for our planet?

Do you want to cooperate on a project with Nicole Jutka?


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Project F7, “La vie en.. pink” by Nicole Jutka 2019

The concept debates the tendency to assign the woman only certain directions, preferences, emotions, occupation. Éxchange of experience and cultural information between Romania and other countriess.

Loubet, Cote d Azur, France

Exhibition Cooperation Romania/Bucharest – France/Cote D Azur (s. Shows)

Photography, painting, videoinstallation and performance art
meet together within the initiative supported by seven artists
who created the F7 Group.
One ofthe most important activity of the F7 group is the
exchange of experience and cultural information between
Romania and othercountries, three ofthe seven Romanian
artists are living abroad.
“Lavieen…pink”, dissolves the boundaries between different arts
under the generous aesthetic umbrella of postmodernism and
gathers multiple cultural references, creative attitudes,
ideas and brave combinations leading to hybrid results that
could be framed undera new surrealism.
The concept debates the tendency to assign the woman only
certain directions, preferences, emotions, occupations. The pink colour functions as an element of visual identity, as a label of femininity in a world where consumerism
dictates this segmentation.
The presentation of the exhibition proposes experiences
that bring life into art and/andart into life, on a two-way road
between concrete and imaginary.
“Lavie….en pink” is a creative project for the future, which
takes place in several phases and it is supported by both the UFE (Union
des Francais de Roumanie) and the Romanians Association in
The first ofthe events was the exhibition at the Romanian
Peasant Museum, whose opening took place on July 4th 2019.
The next stop is on the spectacular French Riviera.
Project by Nicole Jutka

Do you want to cooperate with your Country to this project? Please contacting.


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